Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Marketing Strategies

With so many competitors in the computer market its hard to choose which brands to pick. As the industry continues to grow, many new promos and packages pop out to entice consumers. Typically, we choose the best performance for the least cost. Although it would be ideal to pick the less popular but cheaper brands at pretty much the same performance of high end products, sometimes it would benefit in the long run to pick the more well-established brands especially in terms of quality.

Based on personal experience, i've been quite disappointed a number of times in picking the less popular brands of computer parts. Sometimes I end up spending even more for repairs and replacement. I do not believe that prices are always relative to quality, but its often the case. It is said that some products are more expensive just because of the brand names they carry, but in my opinion, the name would not be as popular as it is if it hasnt satisfied that much customers. Yes, not everything we see in the commercials is true. However, with all the fierce competition, leading brands would not risk having too much disappointments. My point - If you want to be truly satisfied, then don't deprive yourself of quality. Sometimes the little extra you spend goes a long way.

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